Edição Virtual: Leitura Crítica 2

Editores: Ana Marques, Cecília Magalhães, Manuel Portela

Sinopse: The Virtual Edition "LdoD-ReCritica2" (Leitura Crítica 2) contains fragments and texts from the "Book of Disquiet" that have been directly referenced or quoted in the reception documents. When relevant, specific citations within each fragment or text have been highlighted and annotated. Whenever possible, texts have been selected from the specific edition of the "Book of Disquiet" that is being quoted in the reception document (i.e., they belong to one of the following transcriptions: authorial witnesses as transcribed by the LdoD Archive team; JPC, TSC, RZ or JP transcriptions). Annotations to the fragments or to the quoted passages refer back to the context of the article, essay or review in which those quotes appear. This Virtual Edition is thus an integral part of the "Critical Reading of the Book of Disquiet" module of the "LdoD Archive". PLEASE NOTE: this virtual edition is the continuation of "Leitura Crítica 1". Due to the restriction defined for virtual editions in the LdoD Archive (when a transcription of a given fragment is included in one virtual edition, it is not possible to add a different transcription of the same fragment to that edition), every time a critical reception document quotes a different transcription from the one that is already included in "Leitura Crítica 1", this transcription will be included and annotated in "Leitura Crítica 2". Thus "Leitura Crítica 1" must be read in conjunction with "Leitura Crítica 2".

Taxonomia: Leitura Crítica 2

101 Fragmentos: